B.A.O.N.P.S. - Be Aware on Night Pleasure Safety (in Catalogo)2015/2017
B.A.O.N.P.S. - Be Aware on Night Pleasure Safety (in Catalogo)2015/2017
Regione Piemonte gruppo ASL Torino 4
Progetto avviato nell’anno 2015 - Ultimo anno di attività : 2017

  • Obiettivo generale
    • The main objective is to provide the governments of the partners' countries and EU institutions with information about new psychoactive substances (NPS) in order to better identify the different typologies of these drugs and the consumption patterns, assess related risks, and set up more effective responses. In particular aims can be detailed as follows:
      - to identify new psychoactive substances and inform the Early Warning System (EWS) about them;
      - to improve awareness and knowledge of drugs and NPS, their risks and effects, among partygoers;
      - to understand meanings and consumption patterns concerning NPS and related cross-cultural differences;
      - to inform local and national drug service providers about NPS and cultural factors influencing drug consumption patterns;
      Expected results
      - increased knowledge about NPS among professionals and institutions/service providers
      - increased effectiveness of prevention and harm reduction interventions
      - increased knowledge and awareness about NPS among partygoers
      - increased understanding of cultural aspects that encourage or limit NPS use
      - improved drug checking procedures on technical aspects
  • Analisi di contesto
    • Despite being almost unknown to institutions and professionals, a growing number of new synthetic drugs produced for the illegal market and they are widely available. Most of these substances are used in clubs and parties.
      Drug checking is an integrated service that lets drug users to have their synthetic drugs analysed and receive counselling; in nightlife contexts it has been shown to be useful at different levels; however in most EU countries DC is not implemented. This happens because of different laws but also because of some prejudicial concerns: organizers of musical events are afraid that allowing DC could mean surrender to the idea that those contexts are connected with drug use while for some policy makers "formal" DC is supposed to increase drug use. So, it seems necessary to develop assessments that can provide clarity around concerns and doubts about DC in nightlife contexts. Lastly, there is a lack of understanding about cultural factors that can influence NPS use and that can be useful to improve effective policies and interventions.
      The objectives of this project are: to early identify NPS by implementing DC in nightlife contexts and outside them; to inform EWS about NPS found; to combine DC with prevention actions to make drug users aware about risks and effects of drugs, especially those related to NPS; to identify NPS consumption patterns, related meanings, cross-cultural differences and spread these information to professionals and service providers; to compare different strategies for implementing DC and good practices for pilot implementation that can be used in the EU countries where such testing is not applied yet.
      The target group the project wants to reach and to act on is composed of recreational drug users and people attending clubs and parties where drugs are widely used. A second target group is composed of professionals working in drug addiction services and policy makers: in order to improve effective interventions and policies.
  • Metodi e strumenti
    • Outreach work in recreational contexts will be the framework of the drug checking and the research on consumption patterns and meanings beside the drug use. The outreach methodology is based on the non-judgemental approach and, if combined with a drug checking facility, it is the best strategy to identify NPS and observe consumption patterns; by entering the contexts where drugs are sold and consumed it is possible to early detect new products. In fact it is almost impossible to identify new and unknown substances by analyzing biological fluids, the detection of the parent drugs in substances with the GC-MS is more effective because the analysis can reveal the molecule inside the drug; Drug checking also works as a prevention and harm reduction tool: by sharing the results, the awareness of youth and partygoers on the NPS composition can be increased, but it does not increase drug use, as shown in recent researches.
      The 3 countries involved have different methods to analyze drugs, but this will be useful to compare different practices, both in the drug checking and in the outreach intervention, and it will be possible to review and update the present literature. Recommendations for pilot implementation of drug checking in other EU countries will be produced by implementing this instrument in a country (Italy) for the first time and comparing this experience with those of countries where it is already carried out (WS0).
      In addition, users who will consent to drug checking and others will be involved to fill in an anonymous questionnaire about their consumption patterns, the meanings they give to drug and NPS use, the awareness about risks and their opinions about drug checking facilities.
      Common data set and guidelines will be shared among partners in order to carry out a comparative analysis. In parallel, a comparative media study will be conducted
  • Valutazione prevista/effettuata
    • Activities will be evaluated ongoing and at the end of the project during real and virtual meetings and through monitoring and evaluation forms provided by Eclectica, to assure the partner's satisfaction and the achievement of the expected results:
      1) Increased knowledge about NPS among professionals and institutions/service providers: 24 newsletters sent during the project; a group composed of 350 professionals and policy makers attending the project conferences/trainings coming from different institutions/service providers; 10 reports to the EWS; 350 evaluation forms (via web) filled in by professionals.
      2) Increased effectiveness of prevention and harm reduction interventions: 900 questionnaires measuring partygoers' opinions about the drug checking service; 200 interventions posted on the web forum about the procedure and its utility; increased number of partygoers reached by the project partners (e.g. more partygoers asking for counselling in traditional interventions vs in renewed interventions).
      3) Increased knowledge and awareness about NPS among partygoers: 900 questionnaires filled in; analysis of comments posted on the ad hoc web forum; 30,000 partygoers reached during the outreach interventions.
      4) Increased understanding of cultural aspects that encourage or limit NPS use: 2 comparative reports (based on questionnaires and web analysis) and 1 scientific article published addressing the topic.
      5) Improvement of the drug checking on technical aspects: the 900 results of substances analyzed will be compared to evaluate the different procedures used in the different countries before and after the project implementation. A final report will be provided to the Commission and recommendations addressed to policy makers and professional aimed at improving drug checking procedures.
      Moreover, participants will be asked to fill in the evaluation questionnaire provided by the Commission.
      The evaluation will be external, made by an Italian partner: Eclectica
Tema di salute prevalenteTemi secondariSettingDestinatari finali
Ambienti di lavoro
Luoghi informali
Luoghi del tempo libero
Operatori sanitari
Altri professionisti del settore pubblico
Altri professionisti del settore privato
Sovracomunali (distretti, asl, consorzi socio-assistenziali, province, ecc.)
Obiettivi specifici e interventi/azioni
Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione (PNP)
Piano Regionale di Prevenzione (PRP)
Piani locali / Aziendali di prevenzione e promozione della salute
Finanziamenti europei
Responsabili e gruppo di lavoroEnti promotori e/o partner
Dott. ZARMATI CARLO (responsabile)
ASL TO4 - Direttore Dipartimento Patologia delle Dipendenze
Telefono: 0125414373-4
INFERMIERE, COORDINATORE dipartimento patologia delle Dipendenze
asl to4
Email: dandreatta@aslto4.piemonte.it
Telefono: 0125414374
Email: universtrada@gruppoabele.org
Telefono: 0113391969
Telefono: 0113391969
cooperativa Alice Onlus
Telefono: 0173440054
Consulente Servizio Educazione Sanitaria
Eclectica Istituto di ricerca formazione e comunicazione
Email: beccaria@eclectica.it
Telefono: 011/4361505
Centro Antidoping Orbassano
Azienda Sanitaria
ASL TO4, Dipartimento Patologia delle Dipendenze
In fase progettuale; In fase di realizzazione; In fase di valutazione;

Azienda Sanitaria
Centro Antidoping "Bertinaria" Orbassano
In fase progettuale; In fase di realizzazione; In fase di valutazione;

Cooperativa Sociale Alice Onlus
Come promotore; In fase progettuale; In fase di realizzazione; In fase di valutazione;

Altro ente
Istituto di Ricerca e Formazione Eclectica
In fase progettuale; In fase di realizzazione; In fase di valutazione;

Altro ente
Commissione Europea Direttorato Generale-Giustizia
Come promotore; In fase di valutazione;

Documentazione di progetto
Documentazione progettuale
Descrizione non registrata
Descrizione non registrata
Categoria non definita
Descrizione non registrata
Descrizione non registrata
Documentazione azioni interventi
Materiale di comunicazione e informazione
Allegato non descritto2015
descrizione degli argomenti e del cronogramma delle giornate di lavoro2015

Dors Regione Piemonte - Centro di Documentazione per la Promozione della Salute